This was all about celebrating life & being grateful for just being. Cara is recovering both physically & mentally from her latest open heart surgery & wanted to capture all the feelings that come with it. We talked about everything from anxiety & fear to pride & faith in ones self. It was an amazing sunrise & I was pretty high all day from the energy & images we created. It was so still but so raw & real. More sunrise sessions & more portraits please – just putting it out there.
Cara was born with a congenital heart defect & her parents were told to take her home & enjoy whatever time they had with her because it would be a miracle if she lived past the age of six. Since her first open heart surgery at just three days old she has gone on to have four more during her young life. Now at 32 she is proving those doctors wrong every day. You will be able to read more of her story soon on her blog but you can find Cara at @wildheart1984 until then. Also I’m just going to leave this here>> http://www.donatelife.gov.au